Generation Rhondda:
To educate and inspire change to better the lives of those in the Rhondda
Generation Rhondda:
To educate and inspire change to better the lives of those in the Rhondda
About Us:
Generation Rhondda was created by 5 residents of the Rhondda who all shared similar ideas in how we can create a more connected and prosperous Rhondda.
Generation Rhondda is a community organisation that strives to be as agile as possible when dealing with situations that rise in Rhondda. We take a bottom up approach by working with community leaders and employing local residents with local skillsets.
By investing in individuals in Rhondda, we are aiming to create leaders who can give back the skills and knowledge they have developed to the community.

If you're looking for access to a device at home, how to use a device or getting online, we can help!
Click here
If you're looking for support with finding work, changing career or even upskilling yourself, we can help!
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If you're looking for support with encouraging reading and literacy at home, we can help!
Click here
If you're looking for support with any aspect of community work or life, We can help!
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If you're looking to get out the house, meet new people and find a community with similar interests, we can help!
Click here
About Us:
Generation Rhondda was created by 5 residents of the Rhondda who all shared similar ideas in how we can create a more connected and prosperous Rhondda.
Generation Rhondda is a community organisation that strives to be as agile as possible when dealing with situations that rise in Rhondda. We take a bottom up approach by working with community leaders and employing local residents with local skillsets.
By investing in individuals in Rhondda, we are aiming to create leaders who can give back the skills and knowledge they have developed to the community.